”Jag skulle vilja åka till Saturnus måne”

Uppdaterad 2011-03-08 | Publicerad 2006-12-07

Nobelpristagaren i fysik chattade med läsarna

Det är enkelt! George Smoot under en presskonferens i Berkeley, där han är professor.

Intresset var stort då årets Nobelpristagare i fysik chattade med aftonbladet.se:s läsare.

George F Smoot var litet förkyld, men på gott humör då han skämtade med läsarna.

Moderator säger: Hello everybody, welcome to the chat with George F Smoot

George F Smoot säger: Mr George F Smoot is ready to answer your questions!

kalle säger: If the universe is infinite, how can it have a shape?

George F Smoot säger: That's easy. Imagine a flat sheet of paper that expands forever. Now imagine you curve it like a saddle – one end up and one end down – that can go on forever. That's called an open universe.

cicci =) säger: Hello. what is big bang??

George F Smoot säger: Generally, when people talk about Big bang they refer to a universe that expands forever or to the moment that started that expansion.

Danne säger: Hello, would you like to travel out into the space?

George F Smoot säger: Yes I would! We talked about it earlier today. Even though the risk. We're finallly part of that history when people can go to space. But it costs a little more than I can afford! I wish to be Christer Fuglesang!

säger: do you think there are other universes than the universe we're living in?

George F Smoot säger: That's difficult. Depends on what you think about when you say universe. That's a question that's open to enquiry.

Hello what are you doing? säger: Hi, do you think that you can see the chinese wall if you are in space?

George F Smoot säger: I know that astronauts have seen it. Another thing that you can see is the citylights.

Danne säger: when will scientists find life on other planets, and where?

George F Smoot säger: Hard to predict. I'm pretty sure there's life in other galaxys. How far away is it or when will it come here? Look at the chances! It will show up!

colt säger: Do you believe in anything more than science? Are you spiritual?

George F Smoot säger: I'm definitely spirital. You can not look at nature without being spiritiual. Just cause you know how it works doesn't make it less beautiful.

David säger: Hi George

I wonder what your top 3 spacesongs are

Mine are

3. Monster Magnet - Space Lord

2. Jamiroquai - Space Cowboy

1. Babyloon Zoo - Space Man

Please tell me about yours

George F Smoot säger: Well, I like the galaxysong, do you know it? And there is a nice popular song called Stardust. And there is an old Hilegaard von Bingen-sonng that's quite nice.

chris säger: Have you ever had an eureka-moment? if so what?

George F Smoot säger: I've had 2 or 3 during studing galaxys. There was a critical moment when we I got the feeling of euphoria.

säger: what}s the clock in the space, do you use local time

whish you good luck


George F Smoot säger: Universial time like everyone else! That's a thing about cosmic background radiation, the temprature tells you what time it is.

Gustav säger: If you get the chance to go to a planet, which one would you choose?

George F Smoot säger: I don't know, I would be nice to go to one of the moon of Saturn. It has an interesting shape. The ring of Saturn wolud be a spectacular sight at night. It would be a little could though!

Coogan's Bluff säger: Hello, do you think that it will be proved over time that there is no god?

George F Smoot säger: I don't think that's something you can prove. It's something between people. Religion and science can co-exist even though there is a little fight going on between them right now.

Moderator säger: Thank you George F Smoot, now we have time for one last question.

Emma säger: Are you looking forward to the Nobel Nightcap party?

George F Smoot säger: Of course! I sounds faboulous, and, my students would never forgive me if I didn't go! It's the party of your life. I've heard there's an icebar. How cool is that?

Moderator säger: Good bye and thank you for chatting.

George F Smoot säger: Thank you. It's a pleasure and I wanna thank all of Sweden. It's an honor to be here and to talk to people about astonomy. Many people are interested cause they wanna know where they come from.

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