JW: If we win against Virtus Pro we're going to the finals

Publicerad 2014-08-14

Fnatic confident after securing win against Ibuypower

Fnatics new lineup won their first game at ESL One in Cologne after coming back against Ibuypower.

And after that feat, Jesper ”JW” Wecksell promised that the show has just begun.

– If we beat Virtus Pro tomorrow, we're gonna go all the way to the finals.


Leading up to ESL One in Cologne, Valve changed up the map pool and threw Overpass and Cobblestone into the mix. And right off the bat, Fnatic got to prove that they had done their homework as Cobblestone turned up as the map where they would be facing ESEA champions Ibuypower.

– I was actually happy to play on Cobble. We've practiced a lot on the new maps and it feels like they will be a deciding factor this weekend so it felt good to try one right away, Jesper ”JW” Wecksell admits after the game.

But the start of the game was not at all what Fnatic was hoping for as Ibuypower, led on by a searing hot Braxton ”Swag” Pierce, quickly gained a 5-2 lead as terrorists on the CT sided map.

– We played really bad initially, but I'm glad we pulled together and worked it out.

Because a change would come, and the guys behind it were Olof ”Olofm” Kajbjer and Robin ”Flusha” Ronnquist. First, Olofm shut down Ibuypower and scored three kills and the following round Flusha followed in his fotsteps, forcing Ibuypower into an eco round. At half time, Fnatic had taken a comfortable 9-6 lead.

And as Terrorists, they showed what this new lineup can do. Once again led on by Olofm and Flusha, they pulled away to a 15-7 lead before JW scored a quad kill to win the game. After the victory, he showed what kind of confidence this team possesses.

– We were better and we showed it. Now we're just gonna relax and watch some Virtus Pro demos. If we win against them tomorrow, we're going to the finals.

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